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 1. Michelle Farley  The Peer of Piers  BIRSt 
 2. Scott Dynes & Eric Johnson  Inadvertent Data Disclosure on Peer-to-Peer Networks - Part 3: The Upside and the Downside of Peer-to-Peer  CERT’s Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 3. Scott Dynes & Eric Johnson  Inadvertent Data Disclosure on Peer-to-Peer Networks - Part 2: How Can I Find Out if a Peer-to-Peer Disclosure Has Occurred?  CERT’s Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 4. Scott Dynes & Eric Johnson  Inadvertent Data Disclosure on Peer-to-Peer Networks - Part 1: Understanding the Threat  CERT’s Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 5. Thorsten Holz, University of Mannheim; Moritz Steiner, University of Mannheim and Institut Eurécom; Frederic Dahl, University of Mannheim; Ernst Biersack, Institut Eurécom; Felix Freiling, University   Measurements and Mitigation of Peer-to-Peer-based Botnets: A Case Study on Storm Worm   
 6. Thorsten Holz, University of Mannheim; Moritz Steiner, University of Mannheim and Institut Eurécom; Frederic Dahl, University of Mannheim; Ernst Biersack, Institut Eurécom; Felix Freiling, University   Measurements and Mitigation of Peer-to-Peer-based Botnets: A Case Study on Storm Worm   
 7. Scott Dynes & Eric Johnson  Inadvertent Data Disclosure on Peer-to-Peer Networks  CERT’s Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 8. CCC Erfa Ulm  DR7: Peer-To-Peer Netze  /dev/radio 
 9. Krystle Warren & the Faculty  Chelsea Piers  Circles 
 10. The Heartland Institute  Piers Corbyn  2009 International Conference on Climate Change 
 11. Stephanie Kamath  Piers Plowman, Passus 4  Piers Plowman, Kelly Writers House; May 18, 2007 
 12. Elon Lang  Piers Plowman, Passus 16  Piers Plowman, Kelly Writers House; May 17, 2007 
 13. Stephanie Kamath  Piers Plowman, Passus 4  Piers Plowman, Kelly Writers House; May 18, 2007 
 14. Sister Mary Clemente Davlin  Piers Plowman, Passus 17, 50-204  Piers Plowman, Kelly Writers House; May 16, 2007 
 15. Elon Lang  Piers Plowman, Passus 16  Piers Plowman, Kelly Writers House; May 17, 2007 
 16. Sister Mary Clemente Davlin  Piers Plowman, Passus 17, 50-204  Piers Plowman, Kelly Writers House; May 16, 2007 
 17. Wendy Scase  Piers Plowman, Passus 7  Piers Plowman, Kelly Writers House; May 18, 2007 
 18. Wendy Scase  Piers Plowman, Passus 7  Piers Plowman, Kelly Writers House; May 18, 2007 
 19. Corey Olsen  Olsen-Corey Piers-Plowman KWH 5-17-07  Piers Plowman, Kelly Writers House; May 17, 2007 
 20. Ed Byrne and Piers Morgan on 5 Live  Ed Byrne and Piers Morgan on 5 Live   
 21. Corey Olsen  Olsen-Corey Piers-Plowman KWH 5-17-07-EDIT  Piers Plowman, Kelly Writers House; May 17, 2007 
 22. Corey Olsen  Olsen-Corey Piers-Plowman KWH 5-17-07-EDIT  Piers Plowman, Kelly Writers House; May 17, 2007 
 23. University Of Bath  030 - Fifty years since Sputnik - Piers Bizony - 08/10/07  Public Lecture Podcasts 
 24. The Last Sound  Peer Down  DEAF 2009 CD 
 25. Grieg  Peer Gynt    
 26. Corrupted Morals  Peer Pressure  Chet  
 27. Kids Inc. - Rahsaan Patterson  Peer Pressure  Peer Pressure with Beginning S 
 28. Corrupted Morals  Peer Pressure  Chet  
 29. Edvard Grieg arr. Dominic G. Joutsen  Peer Gynt  Arrogant Arrangmenst, Op. 70 
 30. Edvard Grieg arr. Dominic G. Joutsen  Peer Gynt  Arrogant Arrangmenst, Op. 70 
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